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Would you hand a hacker a list of all your passwords and contact information?

DNS security is what helps protect this type of vital information within your business.  

Businesses are at an increased risk of cyberattack from a single activity that happens on a daily basis: accessing the internet. According to a recent report from Webroot, the cost of a single DNS attack in 2018 exceeded $715,000 — and more than 77% of businesses suffered from this type of attack at least once in the past year. Hackers are not the only problem that can be solved with DNS protection, however. You can also reduce the loss due to productivity by selectively limiting or tracking the web activity that comes from within your organization, too. From hackers to slackers, see how DNS protection is stopping uncontrolled web usage in its tracks.

How Does DNS Protection Work?

At its most basic, DNS works by keeping a massive address book — a listing of services, computers and other connected devices and translates them into the unique IP addresses that are needed to locate and access a specific website. Webroot’s DNS cloud helps protect employees, customers and your business by redirecting unauthorized activity and blocking forbidden websites before they are accessed. This also helps prevent malware from spreading throughout your entire business system, something that can happen quickly from a single, thoughtless click by a user.

Dangers Lurk Around Every Corner of the Web

Malware and ransomware are not the only dangers that you’ll find to your business, and they may not even be the most prolific. Malicious advertising and uncontrolled web usage can be network killers, slowing your business network to a crawl and negatively impacting your customer experience. With DNS-level protection, your administrators are able to classify sites into 82 different URL categories that could have a negative impact on productivity such as malware, gambling, adult websites and productivity sinks such as social media and streaming video. It’s all too easy for yesterday’s highly productive staff member to become embroiled in the latest episode of their favorite series. The easy access to unfettered WiFi can be a powerful pull for staff members who have the best of intentions and only plan to watch a few moments to catch up — but studies show that employees can spend up to three hours per day surfing the web or streaming video. Some forms of streaming such as audio can be quite beneficial, and there are team members who are required to visit social media sites or stream YouTube videos as part of their job. Settings on updated DNS filters provide IT administrators a way to segment employees into different groups.

Benefits of Webroot DNS Protection

Maintaining security compliance is a major challenge for organizations, especially when you’re faced with staff members that may not have the best interests of your organization in mind. Reducing the amount of traffic on your network can help speed up the performance of your systems, reduce network costs, minimize the possibility of infections and boost compliance for your business. Unlike other cybersecurity measures, Webroot DNS protection doesn’t require onsite hardware or software and only takes a few minutes to install on your network. You’ll have access to on-demand reporting, the ability to block threats at the domain level and ultimately reduce the costs associated with the infection of your network.

Understanding the internet usage of your staff is a vital component of your cybersecurity solution, which is one of the reasons that DNS protection is so incredibly important. See how to implement Webroot DNS protection by contacting the professionals at CorpTek Solutions, the #1 IT solutions provider in the Fort Worth and Dallas areas. Our team of proactive security professionals will help you identify any potential risks within your organization and begin immediate remediation to stop the leaks. Visit us online to chat or contact our office today at 833-568-9276 to see how blocking threats at the domain level can keep your business safe and help boost the productivity of your staff.
