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How Corptek Solutions Can Help Your Business with Microsoft 365 Security

In the recent past, headlines have been awash with cybersecurity incidents that have raised several security concerns. Consequently, the concerns have seen many companies move their IT infrastructure to the cloud. One of the third-party services that have experienced mass migration to its platform is Microsoft 365.

Unfortunately, cloud solutions are not without security concerns. IT experts always advise users to implement the latest security measures to keep their companies and data safe. Concerns around Microsoft 365 security are therefore valid, and that is where Corptek Solutions comes in to help.

We are a managed IT service provider with the right tools and resources to strengthen your Microsoft 365 security. We ensure your business IT environment is aligned to detect and respond effectively to would-be Microsoft 365 attackers.

Microsoft 365 Security In Dallas and Fort Worth

Hardening Your Microsoft 365 Security

As cybersecurity threats continue to increase, we want your business to understand the best practices in designing, implementing, and maintaining an effective security system. Partnering with us provides you with an avenue to defend against cyber threats that exploit security vulnerabilities in Microsoft 365.

We take a different approach to Microsoft 365 security, focused on hardening your Microsoft 365 platform to enhance your Microsoft Secure Score. Microsoft 365 security solutions entail the following:

File Restoration and Ransomware Protection 

Ransomware is one of the most dangerous threats to your cybersecurity. Hackers have learned to hide it so well that it takes time before you detect it. On the other hand, the effects of the attack are almost immediate.

Corptek Solutions provides you with backup and file restore tools that allow you to instantly reinstate your files to their previous non-corrupt versions within moments after the effects of a threat. Our solutions quickly expunge the corrupted versions of your files and documents, neutralizing the dangers of ransomware.

Secure Access for Azure Active Directory 

We will help you set up and manage Azure Active Directory, a platform that allows you to use multifactor authentication for enhanced Microsoft 365 security. That’s also the platform where you can set your password policies. For your Secure Score report, we can help you determine the steps to take, including:

  • Strengthening your passwords
  • Securing access with MFA
  • Blocking legacy authentication

Protecting and Encrypting Your Business’ Sensitive Data

Our experts are here to work with you in discovering, classifying, and protecting sensitive information. We want you to understand your data landscape and identify sensitive data across a hybrid work environment. We can then help you apply flexible protection actions like access restrictions, encryption, and visual markings. All this is important to enable you:

  • Define who has access to your data and what they can do with it
  • Configure policies to classify and protect data depending on the level of sensitivity
  • Have proper oversight and control of data in storage, use, or transit
  • Add relevant classification and protection information for data protection regardless of its storage location or who it is shared with
  • Track activities on shared data and limit access if necessary.

All these steps are crucial in protecting data loss and govern data to retain, store, or delete it in a compliant manner.

Endpoint Protection for Your Network Devices 

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is an enterprise-level protection tool for endpoints. It detects, investigates, protects, and responds to advanced threats. We will help you achieve preventative protection, automated investigation, post-breach detection, and timely response to possible data security threats and breaches by leveraging this tool. Some technologies incorporated in this solution include:

  • Endpoint behavioral sensors: These are built-in Windows 10 sensors that collect, analyze, and process behavioral signals
  • Cloud security analytics: We will help you translate the information collected from behavioral sensors into insights, detections, and response recommendations.
  • Threat intelligence: Using the Defender for Endpoint tool, we will help you gain insights into advanced threats gathered from multiple sources. These are crucial in helping you identify attacker tools, procedures, and techniques.

Enhanced Email Control and Encryption 

Sensitive information forwarded to the wrong person through email can spell disaster to your business. That is why Microsoft now allows you to restrict emails to prevent forwarding. Sharing sensitive information through email doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking. Microsoft ensures you can control where your files go by regulating forwards, downloads, and shares.

With a host of encryption solutions available, we help you stop hackers from breaking into your emails and snatching valuable information. No matter the level of encryption your recipients have, you never have to worry about your data being intercepted or leaked by hackers.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

According to the Cybersecurity Campaign Handbook by the Harvard Kennedy School. Your company must establish a strong security culture. It’s recommendable to train your employees to identify phishing attacks. Other crucial actions to protect your devices and accounts from hackers and malware include:

  • Enabling security features on various devices
  • Protecting devices
  • Using strong passwords
  • Protecting personal email accounts.

Our team of experts will provide cybersecurity awareness training for your team to empower them to become the strongest line of defense against cyberattacks on your Microsoft 365 platform.

Partner with Corptek Solutions for Microsoft 365 Security

Microsoft provides various tools for enhanced Microsoft 365 security. However, these tools are spread out across multiple platforms and interfaces, and it can be hard for you to know which ones to configure. Microsoft 365 security is a combination of different moving parts and multiple layers.

As such, it’s essential that you engage the services of a managed service provider to leverage the tools for the next-level protection and compliance for Microsoft 365. The key to succeeding with Microsoft 365 security is not to handle the process on your own. You have a more foolproof way to tackle issues around Microsoft 365 security when you work with a professional.

Partnering with Corptek Solutions opens up your business to world-class collaboration tools that enhance Microsoft 365 security. We also use a people-centric approach to Microsoft 365 protection. Trust us to educate your users to identify threats before they happen, fight cloud attacks, and block attacks in their tracks. If you want to learn more about how we can help you enhance Microsoft 365 security, contact us today to speak to one of our experts.
