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How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts in Quickbooks Pro

How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts in Quickbooks Pro

Quickbooks offers users at every level, an enterprise-grade accounting program to track income and expenses. This software package was designed to enable businesses to track financial expenditures and income with the level of detail necessary for complete control of company finances. It is somewhat like a soft copy of accounting book. Some people may find […]

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Quickbooks: Need A Quick Refresher?

Quickbooks: Need A Quick Refresher?

Need a quick refresher or a complete introduction to one of the most popular small business accounting packages? Quickbooks is one of the top accounting solutions available to small businesses around the globe. However, many business professionals only use a small fraction of everything Quickbooks has to offer. During this 30-minute on-demand online training session, […]

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Northcentral Technical College in Wisconsin Targeted by Cyber Thieves

Northcentral Technical College in Wisconsin Targeted by Cyber Thieves

Northcentral Technical College (NTC) in Wisconsin has experienced a crippling cyber attack that shut down most of its classes from Monday through Wednesday. The cyber attack triggered system outages all over the school causing school officials to issue a public notice on the homepage of the college website that read: “We apologize for the inconvenience but […]

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Microsoft Reveals Innovative Features for Its New Outlook 2018

Microsoft Reveals Innovative Features for Its New Outlook 2018

The new features in Outlook are designed to help users save time and be more productive. Since we spend so much time writing and answering emails, this is one area where most of us would love to be able to get done faster. Microsoft designed Outlook with lots of thought and effort. In addition, they […]

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Google Ready to Roll Out Mobile-First Indexing

Google Ready to Roll Out Mobile-First Indexing

For many business owners, Google’s announcement to switch over to mobile-first indexing comes as a real shocker. It’s a revolutionary thing to do in a world of disruptive technology. Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, a company’s desktop website was their first and foremost consideration when developing a marketing plan. With the new […]

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Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Invest in Microsoft Office 365

Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Invest in Microsoft Office 365

Not-for-profit organizations frequently contend with the lack of time and money needed to afford large IT investments that are critical for achieving efficiency in their operations. The few organizations that somehow manage to afford these technologies constantly have to deal with scarce resources and manpower needed to manage the technology. There is another glaring problem […]

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Non-Profit Digital Developments for 2018

Non-Profit Digital Developments for 2018

Succeeding in a non-profit organization in this day and time requires unique strategies. Technology is advancing at ever-increasing speeds and challenges even the best organizations on every level. The world has seemingly gone completely digital with Millennials now using smartphones for everything they do. A recent survey showed that only one-fifth of all Millennials have […]

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Getting the Most Out of Your Business Website

Getting the Most Out of Your Business Website

Today’s internet has literally changed the way businesses function. It has redrawn the boundaries and changed the rules of competition in today’s business climate. The Internet has allowed business owners to create much closer relationships with their customers. In addition, it has given consumers more power through access to unlimited information. Regardless of the size […]

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New Threat Alert From The FBI – Password Spraying

New Threat Alert From The FBI – Password Spraying

7 Steps To Protect Yourself You probably use a number of personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords, and passphrases to get money from ATMs, to use your debit card when shopping, or to log in to your personal or business email. Hackers represent a real threat to both your personal and business password security and confidential […]

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Employees Are the Weakest Link in Computer Security

Employees Are the Weakest Link in Computer Security

by Tom Krazit | @tomkrazit | June 20, 2016, 12:26 PM EDT Even the best technology can’t offset weak employee passwords and carelessness. If your company is like most, you’re spending an awful lot of your information technology budget on security: security products to protect your organization, security consultants to help you understand where your […]

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