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Overcome Talent Shortages With The Help of Outsourced Technology Experts

Businesses are currently facing the most unprecedented challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic gradually moves towards its horizon. Companies are bombarded with talent shortages, and especially in the IT sector. While the looming IT crunch has been in the making for a long time, the pandemic has played a role in delaying the inevitable.

Notwithstanding, technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Automation have chopped the need for human intervention, but the IT sector is a unique field. It hardly can function without human resources. For example, in a recent study, 32% of CEOs said that they lack the skilled talent they need to help with innovation.

If your company is experiencing setbacks in digital transformation because of shortages in tech talent, it is time to consider outsourcing your IT functions to a professional IT company. Corptek is one such firm that provides managed IT services to give your business the edge it deserves. With us, talent shortage will be a thing of the past for your business.

Outsourced Technology Experts

Challenges Arising from IT Talent Shortages

Digital transformation is crucial for technology updates, but disruptions happen when you don’t have the right tech talent to facilitate such developments. Legacy technology also obstructs a company’s innovative abilities, especially when the people involved don’t know what to do with their technology. This calls for the need to bring in people who understand the capabilities of advanced technologies to help transform your business and drive innovation.

As such, as the tech talent gap continues to grow, businesses have been left to grapple with how to meet the need for human resources in the IT department. Fortunately, there is an answer to this problem, and it all lies in outsourcing IT services.

Outsourcing your IT functions to an IT service company like Corptek Solutions can go a long way in helping you fill the IT talent gap in your company.

Why Outsource Your Business IT Functions?

Outsourcing IT services is a strategy that has gained popularity in many industries, easing the IT talent demand-supply imbalance. With a specified management process, outsourcing has proved to be an effective tool in helping companies find the right skills.

Besides, it provides additional benefits, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Outsourcing IT functions leads to cost savings for your company. It eliminates the expenses that come with recruiting and training new employees. You also efficiently switch over from fixed costs like salaries, benefits, and paid leave days to operational costs in the form of a monthly retainer fee.
  • Meeting long and short-term business demands: when your business has an ongoing project that covers several months, you cannot depend on your current staff to satisfy the project’s demands. As such, working with an IT services company ensures you have professional managers and staff to handle all your projects.
  • Mitigate risk: when you work with a managed IT service company, you transfer some of your IT risks to the service provider. Instead of spending time resolving unexpected eventualities, you can entrust this to a company with the tools are resources to prevent the risks in the first place.
  • Highquality skills and talents: outsourcing your IT needs to a managed service provider opens up your business to a world of highly-skilled, trained, and experienced technicians. The team comes in to offer additional support to your existing IT team and share in their workload.

Corptek Solutions offers high-quality IT services and support for businesses throughout Dallas and Fort Worth. If you are looking for the best IT company to outsource your IT functions, reach out to us today.

Using Breakthrough Technologies to Address Talent Shortages

In addition to all the above benefits of outsourcing your IT functions, an IT company helps you implement breakthrough technologies that effectively address labor shortages in other areas of your business.

If you have been struggling to find the right fit for various functions in your company, your technology experts from Corptek can help. We will set up different IT systems and solutions that ease the workload while increasing business efficiency and reducing your fixed costs. Examples of these disruptive technologies are:

Digital Kiosks

Running your business can be a challenging undertaking without enough human resources. However, you can promote your brand and offer various valuable interaction applications through digital kiosks. They provide a user experience that caters to your customers’ specific needs.

An outsourced IT company can help you establish a kiosk that acts as an intermediary between you and your clients, providing them with the information they seek. In addition, the kiosks act as payment points, providing secure self-pay options and ensuring information stays private. Such booths go a long way in addressing shortages in customer service skills.

CRM Systems

A Customer Relationship Management system ensures every step of interaction with your customers is smooth and efficient. The platform gathers customer data from multiple channels, for example, personal information, purchase history, and purchasing behavior patterns.

This information is crucial in helping you manage interactions with existing and potential customers. As a result, you can build customer relationships by streamlining processes, improve customer service, increase sales, and boost productivity. In addition, the platform can help you address talent gaps in sales and marketing and customer service.

ERP Solutions

Enterprise Resource Planning is a type of software that can help you manage your daily business activities. It comes in handy in project management, accounting, risk management and compliance, procurement, and supply chain operations. A complete suite comprises enterprise performance management to help you plan, budget, and report your company’s financial results.

With the right solution in place, you will effectively tie together many business processes to allow the smooth flow of data. Furthermore, once you collect the shared transactional data from various sources, you reduce the chances of data duplication, ensuring data integrity with a single platform as your source of truth. As such, an ERP system can help you address talent shortage issues in the accounting and procurement departments.

Workplace Automation

Workplace automation software allows you to create automated workflows. At the press of a button, multiple functions happen, one after the other. The process is best used for repetitive tasks that require multiple manual actions.

An example of workplace automation is when you need to onboard new employees. Your HR will only need to enter the names of the new joiners, and the automated system will trigger actions like emailing all the onboarding documents and scheduling meetings.

The three aspects of workplace automation are the problem, the trigger, and the action. With such a platform, you can identify many areas of your business that can benefit from automation. This will save you from the need of having many employees to handle each of these functions. In addressing the talent shortage, automation software can come in handy in many areas across the board, including sales, marketing, HR, and digital signage.

Corptek Solutions Will Help You Overcome Talent Shortages

An outsourced IT company can help you overcome talent challenges in many areas within your company. The first unit that benefits from IT outsourcing is the IT department because you bring in seasoned experts with the experience and skills to handle multiple IT functions. Besides, the team will help you implement breakthrough technologies to address other talent shortages.

If you would like to help in setting up such technologies, Corptek Solutions is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation for this and all your business IT needs.
